hodawe 01/01/2023
285 0

Afrobeat X Dancehall X EDM Loop - DJ Snake Type - Олала

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This 100 bpm Dancehall Tabla loop was shared by the member hodawe. We encourage you to leave a review and show your appreciation for any loop you download, and if you do something great with it please let the uploader know! To learn how to make music with loops check out our articles, or stop by the forum and collaborate with other music makers.
BPM: 100 Format: mp3 Key: Am Category: Tabla Genre: Dancehall DAW: FL Studio

Цикл основан на DJ Snake...

Жанр: Афробит/Дэнсхолл/Реггетон/EDM/Поп/Хаус/Афротрэп/Trap

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  • 100
  • mp3
  • Am
  • Tabla
  • Dancehall
  • FL Studio