labit 11/05/2023
41 0

Harmonic Synthscapes for Futuristic Beats

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This 144 bpm Rap Synth loop was shared by the member labit. We encourage you to leave a review and show your appreciation for any loop you download, and if you do something great with it please let the uploader know! To learn how to make music with loops check out our articles, or stop by the forum and collaborate with other music makers.
BPM: 144 Category: Synth Genre: Rap mp3 Key: C DAW: LMMS

Step into a sonic realm filled with lush harmonic synths, tailor-made for crafting beats in the vein of Lil Uzi, Ken Carson, and Bladee. These vibrant synth waves are perfect for producers aiming to capture the essence of futuristic rap and avant-garde hip-hop. Elevate your tracks with these ethereal sounds that resonate with the innovative spirit of 3D soundscapes.

  • Synth
  • Rap

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